About Us

Abous Us

Who We Are & What We Do

The Lake Region Lakes Management District is an independent special taxing district. It was established by a State approved charter. The governing body of the District consists of three elected commissioners.

Mission Statement

The Lake Region Mission

The Lake Region Lakes Management District is an independent special taxing district established in 1919 to protect water quality, provide safe and convenient navigation, construct launching basins, control lake pests, construct and maintain navigation and drainage canals, aid in flood control and lake level management, and all other things necessary and proper for the general convenience and safety of those using the lakes and canals.

Number of Lakes within District Boundaries:

  • South Chain of Lakes – 16
  • North Chain of Lakes – 9
  • Individual Lakes – 35
  • Total in District – 60
Size of Lakes:
Largest on north chain is Lake Hamilton with 2,162 acres.  Largest on south chain is Lake Eloise with 1,160 acres – Lake Howard is 628 acres -Lake Winterset is 548 acres -Lake Hartridge is 434 acres.  Lake Spring is the smallest lake on the south chain at 25 acres.

Size of the District: Approximately 53 square miles

Number of Navigable Canals:

Number of Boat Ramps:

  • Built and Maintain 20

Water Control Structures:

  • Maintain and Operate – 8
Number of employees: Twelve

Areas of Work

The Lakes Management District designs, builds, and maintains its own docks, boat ramps, and seawalls. The District has the responsibility of operating and maintaining numerous lake level management structures.

*Goals and Objectives updated 8/12/2024

Board of Comissioners

Dr. Kevin Henne


Mailing Address:
804 Avenue X, SW
Winter Haven, FL 33880

Current Term:
Jan 2023 – Jan 2027:
Seat # 1

Stephen Enzor


Mailing Address:
804 Avenue X, SW
Winter Haven, FL 33880

Current Term:
Jan 2021 – Jan 2025:
Seat # 2

Carter Adams


Mailing Address:
804 Avenue X, SW
Winter Haven, FL 33880

Current Term:
Jan 2021 – Jan 2027:
Seat # 3